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An Exciting AI Autumn ahead

As if launching a new product in 100 days from scratch with real AI capabilities was not enough we decided to add an acquisition on top! (and an investment but more on that next time)

It is a very exciting and equally terrifying time to be building software right now, with the unrelenting pace of AI advancement we see day in day out.

In the coming editions we will use real world examples of what we see and hear while building and delivering for our customers. What elements of AI are adding real value today versus what still needs tweaking for real world use in our industry...

Thank you again for subscribing and we look forward to providing real world, real time comment and analysis on what a Supercharged Freighttech AI market looks like. Some people believe we will see years of AI advancement show cased as soon as September-November...

If you are interested to see more on our news today or more information on our products be sure to sign up to our newsletter below.

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